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News and Annoucements

Anyone facing major surgery likely knows that rehabilitation may be necessary after the procedure – physical therapy to strengthen muscles and regain mobility, for example.

But what about “prehabilitation”?  The concept of prehabilitation is gaining traction in health care. In essence, prehabilitation means using the concepts of rehabilitation before a patient undergoes surgery.

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Thursday, November 17, 2016

Eunsun Park - ASAHP Scholarship of Excellence

The Association of Schools of Allied Health Professions (ASAHP) is, what I regard, the premiere national association for colleges of allied health in the country. As such, approximately 125 institutions belong to this selected association.

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Rachael Quinn, a Senior in the Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders,  College of Allied Health Outstanding Senior for 2016-2017! 

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Allied Health Professionals are licensed caregivers including audiologists, nuclear medicine technologists, diagnostic medical sonographers, dietitians, occupational therapists, physical therapists, radiographers, radiation therapists, and speech language pathologists. They are the people in hospitals, offices, schools, and physician's clinics that provide services that pertain to general health and the identification, evaluation, treatment, and prevention of diseases and disorders. Those in the Allied Health Professions have the opportunity to do clinical practice work or to do research, health care policy leadership, or educate the next generation of Allied Health Professionals.

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