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News and Annoucements

After 31 years of dedicated service to the University of Oklahoma and the profession of occupational therapy, Dr. Toby Hamilton has retired. A 1980 graduate of the occupational therapy program, Dr. Hamilton started her career with the Department of Occupational Therapy as instructor and academic fieldwork coordinator in 1985.  Since then, she has served the program in just about every capacity imaginable, including the Academic Program Director for 12 years.  Dr. Hamilton mentored numerous students to become the best occupational therapists they can, and faculty to become better educators and scholars. She has touched many lives and has made a lasting impression on the profession of occupational therapy.

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We are pleased to announce the establishment of the Martha J. Ferretti Endowed Scholarship in Rehabilitation Sciences, in honor of Marti Ferretti, professor and chairperson in the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences.

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Monday, April 4, 2016

Inaugural Albert Schweitzer Fellows

Two College of Allied Health OT students were named as inaugural Albert Schweitzer Fellows – they are among 11 local graduate students from universities in Tulsa to receive this honor. Meredith Wyatt and Paul Abbey, second-year master of occupational therapy students were selected from a large field of applicants for this prestigious fellowship. 

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What is the GREAT Symposium?

GREAT is an acronym for Graduate Research Education and Technology Symposium. For the past 40 years, students at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center have showcased their original research at the GREAT Symposium. Students and postdoctoral fellows compete for travel grants to present their research at national scientific meetings.

All current Graduate College students and those graduating in the 2015-16 academic year are eligible to partipate.  In order to redeem GREAT travel award winnings, individuals who have graduated must present proof that they will be presenting the research conducted while a student at the OUHSC and not previously presented at GREAT. Graduates in a postdoctoral position must participate in the postdoctoral fellow competition.

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Our Occupational and Physical Therapy students have been busy at the Oklahoma Methodist Manor facilitating fitness testing to help seniors enjoy an active lifestyle. 

Watch to learn more!

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