Parent Page: Prospective Students id: 3935 Active Page: Application Advising & College Toursid:33617

Application Advising & College Tours

The College of Allied Health offers advising sessions for prospective students that are preparing to apply for the upcoming admissions cycle and would like to confirm their readiness/eligibility as well as receive guidance on the process of applying. Prospective students seeking to utilize this resource should first ensure that they have self-assessed their readiness to apply by visiting their program’s webpage and reviewing all requirements before setting up an appointment. If you are seeking information on what courses to take at your home institution, you should instead meet with an academic advisor at your institution to receive assistance on how to sequence your coursework.

Application advising appointments are available to be normally scheduled through our online Bookings page for all programs except for the following, which are detailed further down on this page:

  • BS in Radiation Sciences (Online)
  • Doctor of Science in Rehabilitation Sciences (Online)
  • Dietetic Internship
  • Individualized Supervised Practice Pathway (ISPP)
  • MS in Nutritional Sciences
  • PhD in Allied Health Sciences (Nutritional Sciences or Rehabilitation Sciences track)
  • Online Interprofessional Graduate Certificates in Nutrition

Booking an Appointment

Prospective students can book an appointment with one of our application advisors by using our Bookings page. From there, you can select either an in-person or virtual appointment and find an available date/time. Please note that in-person appointments are only available on the Oklahoma City campus.

The advising session will consist of a review of your eligibility and readiness to apply, including an evaluation of your transcript(s), review of transferable coursework for prerequisites, and an overview of the application process for your intended program. While some guidance on missing coursework may be provided, our advisors will be unable to tell you what future coursework to take or how to arrange your class schedule to meet requirements, which should instead be discussed with your advisor at the institution where you are completing your coursework.

If you are unable to find an appointment day/time that works for your schedule, please reach out to the Office of Academic & Student Affairs (OASA) at and we will assist in finding an alternate time to meet.

Preparing for your Appointment

Prospective students who have scheduled an advising appointment should ensure that they have reviewed all requirements for their respective program and are ready to have their readiness evaluated. In the week leading up to your appointment, you will receive a request to upload copies of all unofficial transcripts if you are seeking prerequisite/transferability guidance to a secure OneDrive so that our advisors can review them prior to your appointment. Failure to do so may result in your appointment being cancelled due to your advisor being unable to assess your eligibility. If you are not seeking assistance with prerequisites, you should come prepared with your questions regarding the application process and any information that may be relevant to advising you through the application.

Booking a College Tour

When time permits, in-person appointments will also include a tour of the college and pertinent spaces that may be utilized during a program. Tours of the College of Allied Health outside of in-person advising appointments are offered on an as-requested basis around the availability of team members. If you are interested in a tour of the College of Allied Health building, please contact with your request.

Tours of the Tulsa campus facilities are available through OU-Tulsa Student Affairs and can be requested by visiting their webpage. This tour will include a brief look at the facilities used for the PT, OT, or Sonography programs.

We highly recommend that all prospective students looking to tour the college attend our Open House events on either campus. The Oklahoma City event occurs during See HSC Day in mid-Fall and the Tulsa event typically occurs during the OU-Tulsa College Fair in mid-Spring. Prospective students will be able to walk around our facilities and meet with students, faculty, and staff at these events.

Specialized Program Advising

If you are seeking advisement in one of the programs listed above, you should follow the instructions below for your intended program to receive the needed guidance.

BS in Radiation Sciences (Online)

Prospective students should reach out directly to the Office of Academic & Student Affairs (OASA) at, indicating their interest in the program and their educational goals. The office will answer any questions and direct you accordingly to the program for additional information.

Doctor of Science in Rehabilitation Sciences (Online)

Prospective students should reach out directly to the Office of Academic & Student Affairs (OASA) at, indicating their interest in the program and their educational goals. The office will connect you with faculty in the program to determine compatibility with program outcomes and determine availability of potential faculty advisors. After successfully identifying a willing faculty advisor, we will provide information on the next steps in applying to the program.

Dietetic Internship

Prospective students should direct all questions regarding the Dietetic Internship to Professor Meghan Tizzano

Individualized Supervised Practice Pathway (ISPP)

Prospective students should direct all questions regarding the ISPP to Professor Meghan Tizzano

MS in Nutritional Sciences

Interested prospective students should reach out directly to the Office of Academic & Student Affairs (OASA) at, indicating their interest in the MS program and providing their educational goals. The office will connect you with faculty in the program to determine compatibility with program outcomes and provide information for potential faculty advisors that align with research interests. After successfully identifying a willing faculty advisor, we will provide information on the next steps in applying to the program.

PhD in Allied Health Sciences (Nutritional Sciences or Rehabilitation Sciences track)

Interested prospective students should reach out directly to the Office of Academic & Student Affairs (OASA) at, indicating their interest in the PhD program and providing their educational goals. The office will connect you with faculty in the program to determine compatibility with program outcomes and provide information for potential faculty advisors that align with research interests. After successfully identifying a willing faculty advisor, we will provide information on the next steps in applying to the program.

Online Interprofessional Graduate Certificates in Nutrition

Prospective students should reach out directly to the Office of Academic & Student Affairs (OASA) at, indicating their interest in the program and their educational goals. The office will answer any questions and direct you accordingly to the program for additional information.