Our occupational therapy faculty are available to assess function in both basic activities of daily living (ADL) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL). Basic ADL encompasses bathing, dressing, grooming, eating, toileting, medication management, health management and basic mobility in an out of bed, getting on and off the toilet and into and out of the shower. Instrumental ADL encompasses cooking, cleaning, driving, money management, lawn care and community participation. As people of different ages are capable of different levels of function, we take a lifespan approach to assessment and choose age and culture specific assessments as needed. We can assess everyday function through standardized evaluations using the following techniques:
1. Performance-based assessments
- Performance Assessment of Self Care Skills (PASS)
- Functional Independence Measure (FIM)
2. Skilled patient and proxy interviews
- Katz ADL Index
- Lawton-Brody Assessment of Instrumental Activities of Daily Living
- Barthel ADL Index
- Activities of Daily Living Questionnaire (Dementia)
3. Specific Tests for Individual ADL/IADL
- OT Driver Off-Road Assessment (DORA)
- Community Integration Questionnaire

For more information In Oklahoma City, contact Carrie Ciro, PhD, OT/L, FAOTA, Director of the Healthy Aging through Performance and Participation Lab.
For more information in Tulsa, contact Tara Klinedinst, PhD, OTR/L, Director of the Health-Promoting Activity Lab.