Parent Page: Prospective Students id: 26389 Active Page: Curriculumid:26392

PhD in Allied Health Sciences with Specialization in Rehabilitation Sciences


Curriculum Requirements for the PhD degree in Allied Health Sciences (AHS)
Total number of post-baccalaureate hours for graduation = 90

The 90 post-baccalaureate hours consist of the following:

  • Number of hours in allied health sciences core = 10
  • Number of hours in individualized program 
    (at least six from the College of Allied Health) = 12
  • Number of hours in research and statistics = 18
  • Number of hours in dissertation research = 20
  • Possible number of hours in graduate prerequisite courses = 30

The courses a particular student will take will be determined in consultation with the student’s Academic Advisory Committee.

Interdisciplinary Core Courses Offered in AHS

Specialization Courses offered in Rehabilitation Sciences

Sample Plan of Study for Rehabilitation Sciences Specialization (with MS and/or 30 graduate credits approved transfer)

Course Descriptions