Parent Page: Faculty & Staff id: 5383 Active Page: ISS Resource Centerid:14847

How to activate a D2L course

  1. Go to the desired D2L course.
  2. Click on "Edit Course".
  3. Click on "Course Offering Information".
  4. Check the box next to "Course is active".
  5. Save

Note:  the same steps will allow you to de-activate your course by un-checking the "Course is active" box.d

How to request a course or community in D2L

Every course and community required the completion of a on-line form.


  • Form for courses
  • You will be required to log in with your OUHSC credentials to access the form
  • Once the form is received, it will be created by the ISS team in 2 - 3 days.
  • Students begin populating in their courses 1 - 2 weeks prior to the official OUHSC semester start date.  If your students need to access before these typical dates, please contact Pam Farmer or Gina Vile with details.
  • Students can NOT be manually uploaded into courses; they must be populated via Peoplesoft enrollments.


  • Form for communities
  • You will be required to log in with your OUHSC credentials to access the form
  • Once the form is received, it will be created by the ISS team in 2 - 3 days.
  • Enrollment into communities are handled by the community leaders and require manual adding.  Community leaders are indicated on the community request form.

How to release the final course grades in D2l

  1. Make sure you are releasing the correct column: "Calculated Final Grade" or "Adjusted Final Grade"
    1. To check to see what grade you are releasing (or to change which grade your are releasing)
      1. Go the "Grades" section of your course.
      2. Click on "Settings" (upper right hand side of screen)
      3. Click on "Calculation Options" Tab
      4. Go the "Final Grade Released" area
      5. Choose which grade should be released.  Most courses use the "Calculated Final Grade".
  2. Once you have designated which grade you are releasing, go to the "Grades" section of your course.
  3. Click on "Manage Grades".
  4. Click on the arrow next to the desired final grade column.
  5. Choose "Enter Grades".
  6. Select the checkbox next to each students name that you are releasing grades for. If checking all students, you may click the checkbox to the left of  Last Name/First Name heading; this will automatically check all students.
  7. Click on "Release/Unrelease".  There should be a checkbox for each student under the "Released" column.
  8. Save.  You will get a confirmation box.  Choose "Yes".
  9. You should see an icon in your "Enter Grades" section indicating that the final grade has been released.
  10. Students may now view their final grade in D2L.

College of Allied Health
The University of Oklahoma
Health Sciences
1200 North Stonewall Ave.
Oklahoma City, OK 73117-1215
PO Box 26901
Oklahoma City, OK 73126-0901

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ISS Resource Center