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Faculty and Staff Directory


Sarah Patel, MS, MA, RDN/LD

Sarah Patel, MS, MA, RDN/LD

  • Dietetic Internship Director

405-271-1550, ext. 41181


  • MA, Dietetics, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 2020
  • MS, Nutritional Sciences, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 2020
  • BS, Health and Exercise Science, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma, 2018

Societies and Organizations:

  • Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND)
  • Oklahoma Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (OkAND)

Clinical Interests:

  • Bariatric medicine – surgical and medical weight loss
  • Sports nutrition
  • Chronic disease prevention
  • Motivational interviewing 

Select Publications:

  • Sarah M. Patel, RD/LD, M.S.; Susan B. Sisson PhD, RDN, CHES, FACSM; Holly A. Stephens, RD/LD, M.S., M.A.; Bethany D. Williams MSH, PhD; Leah A. Hoffman, PhD, RD/LD, CNSC; Alicia L. Salvatore, DrPH, MPH. FAMILY CHILD CARE PROVIDERS’ NUTRITION PRACTICES AND POLICIES: HAPPY HEALTHY HOMES. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 2021;53(12):1066-1071. doi:10.1016/j.jneb.2021.08.007
  • Bethany D. Williams, PhD, MSH; Sisson, Susan B. PhD, RDN, CHES, FACSM; Bhattacharya, Sukanya; Merchant, Cady, RDN; Slawinski, Megan, MPH; Hildebrand, Deana, PhD, RD/LD; Stoner, Julia PhD; Fortin-Miller, Sara, MS, RDN; Patel, Sarah, MS, RDN/LD; Salvatore, Alicia; DrPH, MPH. PROCESS EVALUATION OF TWO INTERVENTIONS TO IMPROVE HEALTH ENVIRONMENTS IN FAMILY CHILD CARE HOMES. Health Education & Behavior. 2021:109019812110575. doi:10.1177/10901981211057537
  • Sisson, Susan B; Eckart, Erin; Williams, Bethany D; Patel, Sarah M; Kracht, Chelsea L; Davis, Holly A; Ward, Dianne S; Hildebrand, Deana; Stoner, Julie A; Stinner, Emily; Keer, Kelly E; Salvatore, Alicia L. FAMILY CHILD CARE HOME PROVIDERS’ SELF-REPORTED NUTRITION AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY PRACTICES, SELF-EFFICACY, BARRIERS, AND KNOWLEDGE: BASELINE FINDINGS FROM HAPPY HEALTHY HOMES. Public Health Nutrition. 2022:1-38. doi:10.1017/s1368980022000337