Parent Page: Departments id: 3998 Active Page: Nuclear Medicineid:5615

Nuclear Medicine

The University of Oklahoma’s Nuclear Medicine Technology Program prepares students for an exciting and rewarding career in one of healthcare’s most advanced imaging and therapy professions. Our graduates are highly trained to work in general nuclear medicine, nuclear cardiology,  PET/CT imaging, and theranostics,  making them valuable members of the healthcare team. Upon completion of the program, students are eligible to sit for national certification exams through both the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) and the Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board (NMTCB).

Nuclear medicine is a dynamic field that uses safe, targeted amounts of radioactive materials—called radiopharmaceuticals—and advanced imaging technology to diagnose and treat a wide range of diseases. As a nuclear medicine technologist, you’ll be responsible for preparing and administering radiopharmaceuticals to patients, positioning them for imaging procedures, and operating sophisticated cameras and computer systems to capture detailed images of how the body is functioning. You’ll play a critical role in helping physicians detect and manage conditions such as heart disease, cancer, and neurological disorders.

Nuclear medicine technologists are experts in radiation safety, patient care, and nuclear medicine procedures. They work with both adult and pediatric patients, performing diagnostic procedures as well as therapeutic treatments, including cutting-edge theranostic therapies that combine diagnosis and therapy to target diseases at the molecular level.

Our Mission

The Department Empowers Life by:   

  • Educating students to be competent, professional, entry-level practitioners capable of assuming leadership roles in Radiography, Nuclear Medicine, Radiation Therapy or Diagnostic Medical Sonography. 
  • Educating students through higher education, multiple specialties and/or advanced modalities.  
  • Promoting student and graduate participation in scholarly activity that enhances student learning, the professions and health care.
  • Promoting student and graduate service opportunities. 


Effectiveness Data

  • Graduate outcomes are indicators of program effectiveness, demonstrating the extent to which a program achieves its goals.  Programmatic graduate outcomes data reported on the JRCNMT website include: 5-year time period of current report; graduation rate; ARRT credentialing success; NMTCB credentialing success and job placement rate.
    Graduate Achievement Report
  • Departmental graduation rates; certification pass rates and job placement rates for the past 5 years in Nuclear Medicine, Radiation Therapy, Radiography, Diagnostic Medical Sonography and BSRS degree completion. Outcomes Report (2019 – 2023)

Program Goals

The goals for the Nuclear Medicine program in the Department of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences are:  

  • Demonstrate didactic and clinical competence in the patient care setting.
  • Demonstrate effective verbal, written and non-verbal communication skills which result in effective exchange of information and collaboration with patients, their families and other health professionals.
  • Provide responsible and ethical patient-centered care.
  • Apply critical thinking and problem-solving skills utilizing evidence-based medicine.
  • Demonstrate qualities required for lifelong personal and professional growth.


Clinic Affiliate Sites


Accrediting Body

Joint Review Committee on Educational Programs in Nuclear Medicine Technology(JRCNMT)

820 W Danforth Rd, #B1
Edmond, OK 73003

Phone: (405) 285-0546
Fax: (405) 285-0579

Click here for program detail and how to apply!


Program Faculty

Contact Information

Office of Academic and Student Affairs
Phone: (405) 271-6588
Fax: (405) 271-3120

Department of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences
Robin White, M.Ed., RDMS, RDCS, RVT
Admissions Coordinator
P.O. Box 26901
Oklahoma City, OK 73190-0901
Phone: (405) 271-6477
Fax: (405) 271-1424