Alexis Brophy, AuD ‘24
Chair: Suzanne Kimball, AuD
Assessing Effectiveness of Multiple Learning Options on Tinnitus Handicap Scores
Mitchell Karasek ‘24
Chair: Carole Johnson, PhD, AuD
Pharmacists’ Readiness to Assist Consumers with Over-the-Counter Hearing Aids: An Outreach Project
Jeffery Larsen ‘24
Chair: Suzanne Kimball, AuD
An Assessment of Misophonics and Ultra High-Frequency Hearing: Do they hear better?
Sarah Legois ‘24
Chair: Andrew John, PhD
Financial Aid for Audiology Students
Jayden Sarabia, AuD ‘24
Chair: Carole Johnson, PhD, AuD
Considering OTC Devices for a Community Hearing Aid Bank
Nicole Smith ‘24
Chair: Suzanne Kimball, AuD
Loudness Discomfort Levels in Comparison to Individuals with Misophonia
Daniel Johnston ‘23
Chair: Carole Johnson, PhD, AuD
Hearing help-seekers with low incomes willingness-to-pay for digital hearing aids, audiologic services and over-the-counter devices
Haley Kuck ‘23
Chair: Mary Hudson, PhD
The journey through early hearing detection and intervention (EHDI): Reducing loss to follow-up with an interdisciplinary approach
LeaRose LaPorte ‘23
Chair: Erin Benear, AuD
Speech-language pathologists’ knowledge of, experiences with, and attitudes toward hearing aid management
Madeleine McElroy ‘23
Chair: Suzanne Kimball, AuD
Audiology students’ impressions of online education amid the COVID-19 pandemic
Ketevan Mdzinarishvili ‘23
Chair: Suzanne Kimball, AuD
The effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction and yoga on tinnitus sufferers: A systematic review
Additional 2023 topics included examining if face coverings affect speech intelligibility, preparing hearing help-seekers’ with low incomes for telehealth follow-up appointments, assessing the effectiveness of multiple learning options on tinnitus handicap scores, and the consideration of OTC devices for a community hearing aid bank.
Natalie Emmons ‘22
Chair: Carole Johnson, PhD, AuD
Readiness of public performance venues and movie theaters to accommodate persons with hearing loss
Jessica Huddleston ‘22
Chair: Carole Johnson, PhD, AuD
Readiness of OKCPS teachers and OU instructors to provide accommodations to students with hearing loss
Jensen James ‘22
Chair: Mary Hudson, PhD
Proof-of-concept project: Printing 3D ears to create a task trainer
Cecilia Wilkerson ‘22
Chair: Christi Barbee, AuD
Effect of score sheet prompts on clinician perception of patient response in a CAPD evaluation
Other 2022 topics included CSD students’ knowledge and experience with hearing aids, the effect of using semantically altered spondee words on speech recognition threshold testing, approximating real-ear targets with varied reference microphone orientation, and evaluation of patient-centered services for those seeking hearing help in central Oklahoma.
Jacobi Clark ‘21
Chair: Carole Johnson, PhD, AuD
Leveraging the use of entry-level advanced digital technology hearing aids for hearing help-seekers with low incomes
Janelle Newman ‘21
Chair: Suzanne Kimball, AuD
Personality questionnaires as a validation tool in tinnitus evaluation: A systematic review
Jin Park ‘21
Chair: Carole Johnson, PhD, AuD
Use of the Abbreviated Profile of Hearing Aid Benefit (APHAB) in a randomized clinical trial and longitudinal study
Other 2021 topics included tinnitus effects and treatment, a review of depression screening instruments in tinnitus evaluation, and a hearing screening in-service training for the OKC public schools.
Kristen Barton ‘20
Chair: Suzanne Kimball, AuD
Tinnitus management with smart phone applications in patients with mild hearing loss
Sophia Dillon ‘20
Chair: Andrew John, PhD
The genre of music impacts how loud it is perceived
Danielle Knight ‘20
Co-Chairs: Jace Wolfe, PhD and Sara Neumann, AuD
An evaluation of hearing performance of cochlear implant recipients using a variety of wireless remote microphone technologies
Emily Smith ‘20
Co-Chairs: Carole Johnson, PhD, AuD, Christi Barbee, AuD, and Anna Jilla, AuD
SP/AP ratio normative database and protocol for assessing cochlear synaptopathy
Other 2020 topics included screening audiometry with noise-cancelling headphones, an exploratory study of smartphone application selection in tinnitus patients, the effects of probe tubes through earmold vents on probe-microphone measures, an experiential in-service training about hearing loss in the classroom, and acceptability of hand sanitizer options among CSD students at a health science center campus.
Caitlin Aust ’19
Co-Chairs: Christi Barbee, AuD and Suzanne Kimball, AuD
Differences in P300 response latency in adults with and without tinnitus
Morgan Greiner ‘19
Co-Chairs: Andrew John, PhD and Mary Hudson, PhD
Effects of an ototoxicity in-service training for nursing students
Stevana Jeannont ‘19
Co-Chairs: Carole Johnson, PhD, AuD, Christi Barbee, AuD, and Anna Jilla, AuD
Hide and seek: The role of ultra-high frequency audiometry in detecting hidden hearing loss
Emily Sharp ‘19
Chair: Suzanne Kimball, AuD
A case of extreme misophonia and hyperacusis
Other 2019 topics included comparison of conditioned play audiometry methods, normative data collection for ocular vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials (oVEMPs), young adults’ listening effort for nonsense syllables and sentences in noise, and the validity and reliability of the Gaps in Noise test.

Bailee Pearson ‘18
Chair: Andrew John, PhD
Ambient Noise and Reverberation Time in Rural and Urban Oklahoma School Classrooms
- Presented at OUHSC College of Allied Health Research Day, April 2017 and Oklahoma Speech-Language-Hearing Association, October 2017.

Erin Benear ‘18
Chair: Suzanne Kimball, AuD
Determining Personality Characteristics in Patients with Hyperacusis Through the Use of the LIWC 2015 Software Program
- Presented at OUHSC College of Allied Health Research Day, April 2017
Kimball S, Hamilton T, Main L and Benear E. 2019. Determining Emotional Tone and Verbal Behavior in Patients with Tinnitus and Hyperacusis: A Mixed Method Study, American Journal of Audiology,
Other 2018 topics included normative data for VEMP using the Bio-Logic Navigator PRO, evaluation of OTC and PSAP hearing aids, mindfulness techniques for patients with tinnitus, and the interaction of first language and reception of time-compressed speech.

Jarrod Battles ‘17
Chair: Mary Hudson, PhD
Combining Reinforcement Types in Visual Reinforcement Audiometry (VRA) in Children Aged 16-24 Months
- Presented at OUHSC College of Allied Health Research Day, April 2017.

Whitney McAteer ‘17
Chair: Christi Barbee, AuD
Effects of a Work System on Success of Hearing Screening in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- Presented at American Academy of Audiology, March 2015
Other 2017 topics included outcomes of a hearing aid bank for unserved and underserved populations, practitioners’ attitudes toward teleaudiology, and personality characteristics of tinnitus patients
Emily Mills ‘16
Chair: Jace Wolfe, PhD
Benefits of binaural streaming telephone technology in children with hearing impairment
- Manuscripts published in the Journal of the American Academy of Audiology (Wolfe et al, 2014) and the Hearing Review (Wolfe et al, 2014)
- Presented at OUHSC College of Allied Health research day, April 2015.
- Presented at Oklahoma Speech Language Hearing Association conference, October 2014

Jamie Myers ‘16
Co-Chairs: Suzanne Kimball, AuD and Andrew John, PhD
Survey of noise exposure, hearing loss, and tinnitus in Oklahoma dentists
- Recipient, 2014 OUHSC College of Allied Health Student Research Award
- Presented at American Academy of Audiology AudiologyNOW! Conference, April 2016
- Presented at Oklahoma Speech Language Hearing Association conference, October 2015
- Presented at OUHSC Graduate Research, Education, and Technology symposium, April 2015.
- Presented at OUHSC College of Allied Health research day, April 2015.
Holly Jones ‘16
Chair: Andrew John, PhD
Effect of environmental variables on performance of smartphone sound level meter applications. Holly Jones, AuD 2016 (Role: Chair)
- Presented at OUHSC College of Allied Health research day, April 2015.
- Presented at American Academy of Audiology AudiologyNOW! Conference, April 2016

Other 2016 topics included professional perceptions of misophonia, hearing conservation training for college-aged students, and cost of loss-to-documentation in the Oklahoma University Newborn Hearing Screening program.
Shane Dollarhite ‘15
Chair: Carole Johnson, AuD, PhD
The effect of a hearing conservation program on the knowledge and attitudes of spirit band members
Shannon Winters ‘15
Chair: Carole Johnson, AuD, PhD
Infection control: A survey of audiologists
Michelle Walbom ‘15
Chair: Andrew John, PhD
Test-retest reliability of ultra-high-frequency audiometry using pure-tone and narrow-band-noise stimuli
- Presented at OUHSC College of Allied Health research day, April 2015.
- Presented at American Academy of Audiology AudiologyNOW! Conference, March 2015
Nathan Wells '14
Chair: Jace Wolfe, PhD
Evaluation of digital remote wireless microphone systems.
Presented at OUHSC College of Allied Health research day, April 2014.
Manuscript published in the Journal of Educational Audiology (Wolfe et al, 2013).
KeLee Hoffman '14
Co-Chairs: Andrew John, PhD and Patricia Burk, MA
Oklahoma EDHI / NCHAM / Boys Town survey of pediatric medical professionals re: newborn hearing screening.
Presented at Oklahoma Speech Language Hearing Association conference, October 2013.
Presented at OUHSC College of Allied Health research day, April 2014.
Misty Mann '14
Co-Chairs: Andrew John, PhD and Deborah Earley, AuD
Screening and Special Services Newborn Hearing Screening Program training: “Hearing Aids - what providers need to know when serving children with hearing loss.”

Other 2014 topics included telehealth applications for newborn hearing screening in rural Oklahoma.
Julie Cordell '13
Co-Chairs: Andrew John, PhD and Jace Wolfe, PhD
Evaluation of Non-linear Frequency Compression with the Phonak Nios SoundRecover in Children with Mild High-Frequency Sensorineural Hearing Loss.
Presented at Oklahoma Speech Language Hearing Association conference, October 2012.
Manuscript published in the International Journal of Audiology (Wolfe et al, 2015)
Johnna Wallace '13
Co-Chairs: Andrew John, PhD and Jace Wolfe, PhD
Non-Linear Frequency Compression for Adults with Asymmetric Sloping Sensorineural Hearing Loss.
Whitney Woods '13
Chair: Andrew John, PhD
Effects of environmental noise exposure by dental hygiene students.
Presented at OUHSC College of Allied Health Research Day, April 2013
Presented at American Academy of Audiology AudiologyNOW! conference, April 2013.
Presented at Oklahoma Speech Language Hearing Association conference, October 2012
Faren Tohm '12
Co-Chairs: Andrew John, PhD and Patricia Burk, MA
Survey to Evaluate the Factors Related to Loss to Follow-Up in the Oklahoma Newborn Hearing Screening Program.
Presented at American Academy of Audiology AudiologyNOW! conference, April 2012.
Presented at OUHSC College of Allied Health Research Day, April 2012.
Cari Griffin '12 and Elizabeth Dew '12
Co-Chairs: Suzanne Kimball, AuD and Andrew John, PhD
Determination of patient retention of information using CounselEar.
Presented at Oklahoma Speech Language Hearing Association conference, October 2011.
Presented at OUHSC College of Allied Health / Alpha Eta research day, May 2011.
Presented at American Academy of Audiology AudiologyNOW! conference, April 2011.
Presented at OUHSC Graduate Research, Education, and Technology symposium, March 2011.
Manuscript published in Audiology Practices (Kimball et al, 2013).

Megan Marsh '12
Chair: Andrew John, PhD
Consumers’ Perspectives of 20 Assistive Listening Devices.
Presented at American Academy of Audiology AudiologyNOW! conference, April 2013.
Presented at Oklahoma Speech Language Hearing Association conference, October 2012.
Other 2012 topics included hybrid cochlear implants and digital noise reduction in pediatric hearing aid fittings.
Sarah Price ‘11
Chair: Jace Wolfe, PhD
Telephone Performance with Assistive Technologies for Freedom 24 and Nucleus 5 Cochlear Implant Users
Stephanie Cunningham ‘11
Chair: Jace Wolfe, PhD
Evaluation of Cochlear Nucleus 5 and Freedom Sound Processor Program Environments
Other 2011 topics included input processing and FM system coupling to cochlear implants.
Stephanie Hewett ‘10
Co-Chairs: Eva Saffer, PhD and Andrew John, PhD
Teachers' perceptions of frequency modulated (FM) systems in the classroom before and after attending an educational workshop.
Presented at the OUHSC Graduate Education, Research, Education, and Technology Symposium (Oklahoma City, OK), March, 2009
Presented as a research poster at the Oklahoma Speech-Language-Hearing Association annual meeting (Tulsa, OK), September, 2010

Jennifer Jackson ‘10
Chair: Andrew John, PhD
Validation of screening lists for the Gaps-In-Noise (GIN) test in adults with normal hearing.
Presented as a research poster at the 2009 OUHSC College of Allied Health research day (Oklahoma City, OK), May, 2009
Presented as a research poster at the 2009 meeting of the American Academy of Audiology (Dallas, TX), April, 2009
Other 2010 topics included the auditory steady-state response (ASSR) and tensor tympani syndrome.
Emily Ward ‘09
Chair: Jace Wolfe, PhD
Evaluation of speech recognition in noise with cochlear implants and dynamic FM
Amanda Bullard ‘09
Chair: Andrew John, PhD
Cigarette smoking and the hearing mechanism.
Presented as a research poster at the 2009 OUHSC College of Allied Health research day (Oklahoma City, OK), May, 2009
Presented as a research poster at the 2009 meeting of the American Academy of Audiology (Dallas, TX), April, 2009
Recipient, OUHSC College of Allied Health Student Research Scholarship
Recipient, Oklahoma Speech-Language Hearing Association Graduate Scholarship
Recipient, Starkey Foundation Outstanding Student Clinician Award
Other 2009 topics included outcomes of auditory-verbal therapy, cochlear implant device failures, and FDA clinical trial results for adult cochlear implant candidacy.
Brandon Vincent ‘08
Chair: Andrew John, PhD
Effects of automobile noise on speech intelligibility and hearing sensitivity.
Presented as a research poster at the 2009 meeting of the American Academy of Audiology (Dallas, TX), April, 2009
Lisa Knoche Kite ‘08
Chair: Eva Saffer, PhD
A comparison of frequency-shifting processing with conventional amplification in listeners with severe to profound high frequency hearing loss.
Recipient, OUHSC College of Allied Health Student Research Scholarship
Presented as a research poster at the 2008 meeting of the American Academy of Audiology (Charlotte, NC), April, 2008
Other 2008 topics included clinical outcomes with wideband middle ear reflectance measurement, the Acceptable Noise Level (ANL) test, and hearing aid / cell phone compatibility.
Students in the OUHSC AuD program from 2004 to 2007 have also presented projects on topics including the impact of personal music players on hearing; prevention of hearing loss using antioxidant therapy; clinical applications of vestibular-evoked myogenic potentials (VEMP); and music perception by cochlear implant users.