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Sip & Snap: A CAH Event for Hydration and Nutrition Week

Event date: 3/27/2025 11:00 AM - 2:00 PM iCal Export


Date: March 27th, 2025
Time: 11am-2pm
Location: CAH Atrium, CAH 1117, (Tulsa) Perkins Auditorium Rm 115

This event is for CAH current students, staff, and faculty only.

Join us as we learn together the impact and application of hydration and nutrition across all healthcare specialties. 

Photo Contest: A photo contest will begin March 3rd where you can submit photos and win prizes for the most votes per category.

Visit for contest rules and prize categories.
Prizes include gift cards to HTeaO and your photo featured on our college social accounts.

Sip & Snap Event Schedule:
(details are subject to change and more information will be sent via email)
11am – doors open, food is served, resource fair begins
12pm – Contest winners are announced. Everyone is welcome to stay and socialize.
Event ends at 2pm.