Parent Page: EBIP id: 19632 Active Page: EBIP The Purposeid:19634


The purpose of this OSEP priority is to increase the number and improve the quality of personnel who are fully credentialed to serve children, infants and toddlers, and youth who have high-intensity needs—especially in areas of chronic personnel shortage

Goals of EBIP
The goals of the funded priority are to: A) increase the number of preservice and graduate-level OT and PT students, in the State of Oklahoma and nationally, who demonstrate competencies needed to provide evidence-based differentiated instruction and intensive individualized interventions that promote student participation in learning and development, and B) increase retention of these providers through mentorship.

EBIP supports training of entry level and post-professional occupational therapy and physical therapy students to serve K-12 students who have “high intensity” needs (HIN) by translating research into practice using a mentor the mentee mode involving special education teachers, school administration, and related services personnel. Inclusion is just part of the solution! We believe that being included in the school environment is only a step towards being a part of, or participating in, the school setting. Evidence suggests that through participation in the school setting children gain a sense of belonging, develop friendships with peers with and without high intensity needs, and make academic achievements. The role of the OTs and PTs in the school setting is to use our expertise to promote access, attention, autonomy, self-care, and mobility to maximize student participation.

Contact Us

Lynn Jeffries, PT, DPT, PhD, PCS
Grant Principal Investigator 

Kristi Smith-Kenney
Program Coordinator
(405) 271-2131 Ext. 47022