The main pillars of the EBIP Conceptual Framework are: 1) Grant Scholars (Masters of Occupational, Doctor of Physical Therapy, and Doctorate of Science students), 2) mentor-mentee model, 3) shared coursework (four scholar seminars and one graduate-level special education course), and 4) coordinated clinical experiences at high-need schools with embedded group assignments throughout the duration of the project.
The EBIP Conceptual Framework perceives participation as a wheel that transports the student with HIN through the various learning situations and environments, and therefore could serve as a portal for positive student outcomes. The spokes represent the mechanisms or skills through with participation is actualized (access, attention, autonomy, self-care, and mobility). A student with HIN who has the capability to access, attend to, exert control over or express choice in his/her environment (autonomy), care for self, and negotiate environments (mobility) within the educational context is more likely to experience academic achievement, friendships with peers with and without HIN, and a sense of belonging.
The project uses a mentor the mentee model. This mentorship model has a dual benefit: a) providing support to the preservice OT and PT students before and after graduation, and b) building confidence to mentor others (e.g. peers and education personnel). The mentor-mentee model includes transformational mentor-mentee activities based on four components: 1) face to face activities, 2) group exploration and problem-solving, 3) peer-to-peer mentoring, and 4) national community involvement through video conferencing. Entry-level scholars will be paired with a primary DSc scholar mentor for the project duration, although the nature of the project allows for diffuse mentoring to occur during shared coursework.
Shared coursework consists of four seminars distributed over a period of two years. Topics covered through these seminars are:
1. Systems Change
2. Intensive Individualized Interventions
3. Differentiated Instruction
4. Knowledge Translation
Grant Scholars will engage in coordinated interprofessional clinical experiences in educational settings to link shared coursework with project activities and group assignments through collaboration with high-needs schools. Essential to the success of this project is collaborations with high-needs schools including their administrative, education and related services personnel. These collaborations will provide opportunities for Grant Scholars to develop competencies to ensure delivery of a) differentiated instruction, b) intense individualized interventions, c) an interprofessional team-based approach, and d) systems change for children with HIN.
Grant Scholars and project faculty will collaborate with school personnel and create innovative knowledge brokering products, emphasizing participation, such as professional development activities, development of instructional material, presentation at professional organizations, or peer reviewed publication. To build sustainability of best practices and continuity with high-need schools, the project faculty will provide ongoing induction of opportunities, mentoring support to Grant Scholars, and support for the fieldwork/clinical educators.
Lynn Jeffries, PT, DPT, PhD, PCS Grant Principal
Kristi Smith-Kenney Program Coordinator (405) 271-2131 Ext. 47022