- Ph.D., Adult and Higher Education, University of Oklahoma, College of Education, Norman, Oklahoma, 1999
- M.Ed., Adult and Higher Education, University of Oklahoma, College of Education, Norman, Oklahoma, 1989
- B.S.R.T., Ultrasound/Diagnostic Medical Sonography, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, College of Allied Health, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, 1984
- B.S., Zoology, North Dakota State University, College of Science and Mathematics, Fargo, North Dakota, 1982
Societies and Organizations:

Member, Alpha Eta Honor Society
Research Interests:
- 3D Printing for Innovative Research
- Planning and implementing academic technology solutions
- Field Dependence/Independence
- OK-INBRE SURP. Creation and Evaluation of a 3D-Printed Ultrasound Imaging Phantom, PI: Boyce, KE, OUHSC. This summer undergraduate research project produced a functional ultrasound phantom from existing de-identified volumetric CT data. The phantom was produced using a combination of 3D printing and molding processes. May-July 2019, $7,200.
- IBEST-OUHSC Funding for Interdisciplinary Research (IBEST-OUHSC). 3D Printing Ultrasound Phantoms from 3D Ultrasound Datasets .PI: Boyce, KE, OUHSC. Co-PI: Childers, R, OU-Norman. Co-PI: Gildon, B., OUHSC. The goal for this project was to produce a 3D printed phantom that could be imaged with ultrasound. A novel 3D printer was designed to simultaneously print a container and deposit elastomeric materials (aka. squishy solids) into the container. Further investigation into heating and controlled extrusion of elastomeric materials is necessary to reach our target goal of producing a fully 3D printed ultrasound phantom. April 2018-Feb 2019, $30,000.
- U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Bureau of Health Professions, Division of Nursing. American Indian Community Partnership: Family Nurse Practitioner Program Expansion, Booton-Hiser, DA, Principal Investigator; and Boyce, KE, Internal Consultant. July 1999-June 2002, $806,466.
- U. S. Department of Health & Human Services, Maternal & Child Health Bureau, Health Resources & Services Administration. The Oklahoma/Maternal and Child Health Center for Leadership in Pediatric Physical Therapy Education, McEwen, IR, Principal Investigator; and Boyce, KE, Internal Web Site Advisor. July 1997-July 2002, $629,025.
Intramural Scholarly Projects:
- Fall 2016 to Present
Medical 3D Printing. Boyce, K. & Gildon, B. College of Allied Health, OUHSC. Development of a viable business plan to establish a centralized medical 3D printing service for OUHSC , OUMI and other community entities. Opportunities for research and education have been created through establishing this service.
- Fall 2016 - Present
CLICK Video Project: Enhancing Cultural Competency in the Clinical Setting Through Improving Communication Knowledge and Skills. Boyce, K. & McClain, C. of College of Allied Health & OUHSC University Community (and others as project is implemented). Culture, Language & Inclusion for Clinical Knowledge aka the CLICK Video Project will feature a variety of 5-15 minute videos of interviews with individuals who have stepped forward to share their stories of inclusion or exclusion, cultural expectations, norms, and traditions, as well as suggestions for successful communication with people who are different from you. Differences and diversity explored will include visible and invisible differences, disabilities, culture, race, religion, socioeconomics, power, gender identity, affectional identity & more, in an attempt to provide basic information (knowledge) as a foundation for individuals to enhance interpersonal and group communication (skills). More accurate knowledge and improved skills can be applied to enhance the quality of interactions within healthcare settings and the community.
- 2008 -Present
Volume Datasets: Offline Analysis and Navigation, Boyce, KE
This intramural project has developed instructional modules for students to independently explore archived volume datasets. Senior students also create additional step-by-step instructional modules from existing datasets to build their analysis and communications skills. Analysis of images and documentation from five vendors was used to identify dataset image acquisition protocols, common and trademarked terminology as well as reconstruction and rendering techniques. A resultant presentation, “Comparative Volume Navigation" was initially delivered at the Pre- Conference Abdominal Workshop at SDMS Annual Conference, Las Vegas, NV in 2013 and repeated for the Oklahoma Sonography Society in 2014. A related poster “Systematic Review of Multi-planar Reconstruction & Rendering of 3D Ultrasound Datasets: Terminology and Image Layout” at the Inaugural Biomedical Science Symposium at OUHSC in March 2017.
Clinical Interests:
- Abdominal Sonography
- Ultrasound Physics & Instrumentation related to Diagnostic Medical Sonography
- Translating technical info into clinically meaningful/useful content
- Foundational knowledge & skills
- Working with volume datasets
- Advances in technology, understanding, and adoption of new tools
Select Publications:
- Jan, YK, Lung CW, Cuaderes, E, Rong, D and Boyce, K (Jan 2013). Effect of viscoelastic properties of plantar soft tissues on plantar pressures at the first metatarsal head in diabetics with peripheral neuropathy. Physiological Measurement. 34(1):53-66.
- Boyce, KE, Adrenal Glands. In: Kawamura, DM, & Lunsford, BM, eds. Abdomen and Superficial Structures, 3rd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott (Feb 2012).
- Evans, KD and Boyce, KE (May/June 2008). Fostering a Hierarchy of Evidence within the Profession.Journal of Diagnostic Medical Sonography. 24:183-188.
- Consensus Conference and Plan for Development of Breast Sonographer Education, Training, and Credentialing, (conference document 2002, final report 2003). D Murphy (Ed.). Rockville, MD: The Breast Ultrasound Foundation, pp 1-24. Contributing author.
- Boyce, KE (1999). Delivering Continuing Professional Education at a Distance: The Correlation of Field Dependence/Independence and Learning Using the World Wide Web, Dissertation, University of Oklahoma, 1999. Ann Arbor, MI: UMI (# 9933053).