- PhD, Audiology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
- MS, Audiology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana
- BHS, Communication Disorders, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri
Societies and Organizations:

Member, Alpha Eta Honor Society
- American Academy of Audiology
- American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
- Oklahoma Speech-Language-Hearing Association
- CSD 8233: Audiology II
- CSD 8253: Physiologic Measures I
- CSD 8333: Hearing Aids II
- CSD 8293: Industrial Audiology
- CSD 9253: Professional Practices in Audiology
- BMSC 5103: Interdisciplinary Leadership Issues I, Faculty Mentor, Audiology
- BMSC 5113: Interdisciplinary Leadership Issues II, Faculty Mentor, Audiology
Research Interests:
- Amplification
- Interprofessional Education
- Simulation-Based Education
Select Publications:
- Gaeta, L., Azzarello, J., Baldwin, J., Ciro, C., Hudson, M., Johnson, C., John, A. (2022). The impact of amplification on cognitive screening test scores. Journal of Gerontological Nursing, 48 (7):31-37.
- Gaeta, L., Colella, K., Friedland, E., Hudson, M. (2021). Serving culturally and linguistically diverse patients in audiology – Part 2: Promoting health literacy. Hearing Journal, 74 (5), 42-44.
- Colella, K.M., Gaeta, L., Friedland, E.B., Hudson, M., Busacco, D. (2020). Being mindful of cultural and linguistic diversity in everyday practice. Audiology Today, 32(4): 28-34.
- Gaeta, L., Azzarello, J., Baldwin, J., Ciro, C. A., Hudson, M., Johnson, C.E., John, A.B. (2019). Effect of reduced audibility on mini-mental state examination scores. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 30:845-855.
- Peters, M., Felty, W. P., Kinney, S. K., Hudson, M., Fisher, M. J., Wolraich, M. L. (2019). Effective educational approaches to forging family-professional partnerships. American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD), Inclusion, 7(4):244-253.
- Wolfe, J., Duke, M., Schafer, E., Jones, C., Mulder, H., John, A., & Hudson, M. (2015). Evaluation of performance with an adaptive digital remote microphone system and a digital remote microphone audio-streaming accessory system. American Journal of Audiology, 24:440-450.
- Wolfe, J., John, A.B., Schafer, E., Hudson, M., Boretzki, M., Scollie, S., Woods, W., Wheeler, J., Hudgens, K., & Neumann, S. (March 2015). Evaluation of wideband frequency responses and non-linear frequency compression for children with mild to moderate high-frequency hearing loss. International Journal of Audiology, 54(1): 170-181.
- Wolfe, J., Schafer, E., Mills, E., John, A., Hudson, M., & Anderson, S. (2015). Evaluation of the benefits of binaural hearing on the telephone for children with hearing loss. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 26(1):1-8.
- John, A., Wolfe, J., Scollie, S., Schafer, E., Hudson, M., Woods, W., Wheeler, J., Hudgens, K., & Neumann, S. (2014). Evaluation of wideband frequency responses and non-linear frequency compression for children with cookie-bite audiometric configurations. Journal of the American Academy of Audiology, 25(10):1022-1033.
- Randall, K., Hudson, M., & Isaacson, M. (2014). Formalizing a college diversity statement. Journal of Best Practices in Health Professions Diversity: Research, Education and Policy, 7(1):941-953.
- Wolfe, J., Mills, E., Schafer, E., John, A., Hudson, M. (2014). Binaural hearing on the telephone for pre-school children with hearing loss. Hearing Review, 21(6):14-16.