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OUHSC 1st All Professionals Day

Event date: 10/30/2015 iCal Export

The very first OUHSC All Professionals day will be held on Friday, Oct 30th:

  •  Over 860 students from across the HSC campus and School of Social Work from the Norman campus, will be participating.
  • Students representing 13 disciplines will be placed in teams of 9 – 10 to learn the value of what it means to work as a team.
  • Over 60 faculty representing all of the colleges on campus including the School of Social Work on the Norman campus have prepped and planned and are ready to engage the students in activities to learn more about their colleagues in different professions and the importance to team building.
  • Dr. Jason Sanders, the newly appointed Provost will be giving a brief introduction to All Professions Day students and faculty.
  • This is a real first for the OUHSC campus. This many students have never been brought together for an educational program like this before.